Ok, some of you might be wondering: WOW? That's short for Woman of Worth. At least thats what I think so. Our Church has womans meting once a month but for mothers day we have a tea party. You can decide to host a table and decorate it really nice. This time I din't do it because I been realy busy. This is the first time my daughter comes with me to the tea party, she love it!

I also invited my friend Andrea. I was happy to see her mom and sister there too. Andrea has been my friend since I was 18, we meet in youth group and she is a treasure. I'm very blest to have her as a friend. I will definetely won't say for how long we been friends because that will reveal my age. And that's TOP SECRET.
My daughter won a prize that was kinda big, so she got really excited! It was a cow cookie jar that will go in her kitchen.